Sunday, 26 October 2014

Tumbe Hoova as medicine

Tumbe Hoova

 Tumbe Hoova:-[Leucas zeylanica]

Tumbe hoova or Leucas zeylanica is a small, terrestrial, herbaceous, annual, erect or sometimes   tufted, hispid and aromatic flowering plant commonly used by Indians to offer prayer or pooja to god 
especially to lord shiva in Hindu religion. Apart from spiritual aspects the plant has its own roll in the field of medicine.

The plant is used as medicine (in Ayurveda also) considering it as a stimulant (which  increase alertness, attention, and energy, as well as elevate blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration. Stimulants historically were used to treat asthma and other respiratory problems, obesity, neurological disorders, and a variety of other ailments) and  Anti-rheumatic ( Relieving or prevention of  any several pathological conditions of the muscles, tendons, joints, bones, or nerves, characterized by discomfort and disability)Wildcrafed and used mainly for coughs, colds, toothaches, and abdominal pains.Poultice or cataplasm  of leaves may be taken as a sedative (tending to calm pain) and to heal wounds and pains. 
  1. Poultice also used for itches, headaches and vertigo 
  2. Bitter roots and bitter and pungent leaves used for skin diseases and for Scabies  
  3. Infusion of this plant is used as insecticides
  4. Decoction of leaves and nigella seed or the fresh juice of turmeric and rice, used for as a lotion for ulcers of the nose .
  5. In Malaysia The entire plant is rubbed on the abdomen after childbirth.
  6. In India used for fever, scorpion and snake bites. Leaves and flowers used for jaundic .
     7. In Sri Lanka, a principle vermiform ( are drugs that expel parasitic worms (helminths) from
          the body by either stunning or killing them and without causing significant damage to the host)
       8.In General, used to treat malaria, for mild fevers associated with indigestion and also for pain
          caused by intestinal worms.

Leucas Zeylanica showed photo-mediated activity against Staphylococcus aureus or stap infection (is a group of bacteria that can cause a number of diseases as a result of infection of various tissues of the body )and  Bacillus subtilis(known also as the hay bacillus or grass bacillus, is a Gram-positive, catalyses-positive bacterium.)

BY:-Shashidhar chakri


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